ya'll. My heart's still
a'beating. Don't worry. Sometimes after being so out there and crazy, I dive hard into a dark sequestered hibernation. I tend to get a little dull and can be a real pill when things aren't going perfectly hunky
dory. It's usually such a retreat that
yields creative
beauty such as the
metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly. I do feel such an urge to stretch out my wings and soar today. 70 degrees sunny weather and a baby blue convertible t-bird would be a wonderful accessory for the craving for freedom and
exhilaration I'm longing for. But what I want more than anything this moment is to smell the ocean, to hear the ocean, to taste the ocean, and to feel the ocean. It's been about 3 years since I was last with her. She has such strength and power. I feel small next to her. It's a peaceful, restful, sort of small... A "Be still and know that I am God" kind of small. Some people get there from sitting in a
forest. Some from a mountain top. Some from their flower garden in the back yard. I can sometimes feel it when I watch my children sleep. Especially the smaller little people when they don't need their diaper changed and they've had a bath before bed. Thank God for those moments of rest.
Ohmigosh, I think someone just broke a glass in the kitchen...