This just in... Late breaking news on the war with laundry... I WON! Man that feels good. There's a grain of wisdom in this here victory: Don't let things get out of control. This is step one to preventing
chaos. BUT (somewhere in our grammar curriculum it says beginning a
sentence with AND or BUT is BAD) if things do get out of control hard work and a lot of soap can get you back on track. Another thing that I've pondered on the subject of laundry is: Do we really need this much clothing? Okay, so there are dumb questions. Of course we do. I just can't believe I won. I won. I won. Wait a minute. The kids just cleaned their rooms... Oh no... Oh man... They just dumped two more loads in there... Does it ever end...
1 comment:
You are SOO the minimalist chickie!
My philosphy is the more clothes they have, the less often I have to do laundry!
Right now the laundry beast has me in it's clutches. I should be switching laundry right now rather than reading blogs, but I have to relax and calm down after fighting with HP support services over the phone regarding my dead printer. Sighh.......
Love ya!
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