Hallelujah! This morning I opened a bag of gummy bears, dumped them on my desk, looked down and Hallelujah (I'd sing, but I don't sing that well - ask the choir members who sit in the back row with me.) The bag was comprised of 52% orange gummy bears! Trust me, I did the calculations in ratio to the fact that there are 18 gummies in a serving and 2 and a half servings per bag. Of course, that extra half serving is usually wasted on green gummies. Here are the red ones watching on as there previous cohabitants have their heads bit off. One of them is out of line. He's next! This picture is a little blurry. I actually went back to take a better picture and they had all crawled off the desk and are hiding in the bathroom somewhere. I can't see them, but I hear them snickering!
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