Mexican Jumping Beans:

A couple weeks ago, I went into Walgreens. As I was checking out, I heard this overwhelmingly loud clicking noise. I looked down and there was this container of tons of little containers with these little beans in them. I had always thought Mexican jumping beans were some kind of myth. Apparently, I was wrong (Relish it - I don't say it often). They were only $1.95 for three a container of three beans. We are all about cheap thrills around here, so I purchased them along with my carton of diaper wipes and carried them out to the car.
For those of you who don't know what Mexican jumping beans are, there is a detailed description of them on this website: http://www.jbean.com/ , which I just now read. Interesting!
Today, when I got home from work, Calla was distraught because Teige had got into her stuff and two of the three beans were missing. At dinner time I interrogated the ever innocent looking Teige.
Me: Did you get into sissy's beans?
Teige: Leelie's shoes are in my room.
Me: Okay, but Did you get into sissy's beans?
Teige: Leelie's shoes are in my room.
Calla jumps up to see if perhaps he hid the beans in the shoes that Levi passed down to him a few weeks back. No beans. Then she brought the remaining bean to show him what we were looking for.
Me: Do you see the bean Teige? Do you know where the other beans are?
Teige: In my room.
Calla jumps up again to see if she can find them. No beans.
Me: Teige, did you take the beans?
Teige: Yep
Molly: Check his pocket.
Calla checked his pocket and sure enough there was a bean in there. But only one.
Molly: Oh, no. That's the pocket he puts stuff he's going to eat it.
Me: Did you eat the bean, Teige?
Teige: Yep
Me: Do you want to eat this one?
Teige: No, those are lucky (meaning: yucky) beans.
Goggleman today, food critic tomorrow. Calla thought herself quite clever when she told him that he was going to get butterflies in his stomach.
Go get you some. They're cute.
Do I need to call poison control? Don't tell the animal rights activist. Smooch.