If you can't find Katie, check in the corners and the library. She has discovered the written word and loves to "read". She has an uncanny ability to tuck herself away, hidden in plain view, with a book or magazine.

Molly: Getting off the bus. I'm sure her bus driver is tired of me taking her picture, by now. Tonight I have my first parent/teacher open house at the school. This is a total first for me. Being a homeschool mom, a parent teacher conference meant I had lost my mind and was found talking to myself in the bathroom.

Calla: Reading Murder on the Orient Express.
I started a new part-time job today. I'm doing marketing for a locally-based IT company. Not only is it bringing in a little extra income, but it's nice to get out of the house three afternoons a week. Funny thing is, I thought it would be more quiet at the office, but the air conditioning system sounds like you're in a wind tunnel or sitting next to the ocean. That will take some getting used to. Thus far, I have looked through building, learned a little about products and services we offer, and found out where the coffee machine is. Coffee is only twenty-five cents. Cool, huh? I'm sure it's no Starbucks or Emily's Coffee Shop, but it may provide useful. Oh, you can also get hot chocolate. Hmmm. What else...the office building has a huge 1/2 story tall African cichlid tank in the lobby.
Glad to hear that your first day went well and that they have 25 cent coffee!
cute pic of your girls...where um, is Teige?
Teige is in his room getting dressed,last time I checked. Oh, you mean in the pictures...Pics of Teige soon, promise.
weeeeeeeeelllll, how was your first week on the job with RS? Did you make any other discoveries at the office complex? it really is such a cool facility.
have a good weekend.
Yes, the toilets flush real good! I was also impressed that the bathroom lights are on sensor to save on electricity. That would be nice to have around the house. Smooch
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