January 30, 2009

Mission Statements

I am compelled to read the mission statements of various companies and institutions. I encourage most of you to read The Vision Forum's mission statement (link to come). My assessment of what is worthy and like minded in a church is derived directly from their mission statement. Once, I heard that it would be a wise thing for homeschooling families to make a mission statement for their schools/families. I believed this to be an excellent activity to curtail the exact focus and path one's family should set upon.

Life gets dicey...Oh my, does it ever, and what do you do when you are steeped in the boiling waters of your circumstances? I recently have been through some added trials of relational conflict in which I must say that I did not handle in the way I would if I could turn back time. You can't turn back. You only have NOW. This minute. This second. Think fast...Quick...I'm not always good at that. I'm more analytical, more calculated. I don't always perform well in the minute, in the second, and for that fact, I am typically lenient and forgiving in others who have my same shortcomings. My children for example, often receive ample warning when they're attitudes are off-kiltered. In my recent struggles I thought, I'm a Christian, Why did I react that way?...Why do I act out in fear?...Why do I act out in pain?...How can I change this about myself? Self-reflection is one of the things I strive for...Ignorance is bliss...but then I would be just that...Ignorant, if I didn't constantly look and ask myself: What is truth here?...What did I do wrong?...What could I have done better?...What can I do to change the situation?...What do I need to now accept?...How can I have more intuition with the type of person I am dealing with?...How does the Bible say to handle different catagories of people?

And after my latest struggle, I ask myself: How would I react differently if I had a mission statement for my life? In asking myself that, as a Christian, I wonder what my reactions would be if my mission statement was comprised totally of God's Holy Scripture. It is a goal of mine over the next couple of months to search the Word that I have hid in my heart and make them my missions statement.  I look forward expectantly to what the Lord molds my mission statement into in the next few weeks.


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AndrewG said...
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