I can't believe that I now have 5 children. Henry Alan Zike has now joined our family and will be two months old tomorrow. He has just started smiling at me. I had just about forgot how wonderful a toothless, double-dimpled smile could be. Pretty wonderful. I don't think I've ever stopped to appreciate what it is to be a mother of a newborn as much as I have this time. Maybe because I'm about sure he's my last. Maybe because I know how fast they grow up and become mouthy teenagers. Maybe because I see the wonder of the Lord more clearly at this point in my life. Probably all of the above. It's like falling in love all over again and I'm smittened!
The rest of the kids are doing well. Calla is living with her father...We knew she would have to try it out. She is making honor roll this year and working on being responsible in all areas of her life. I couldn't be more proud of her right now! I started homeschooling the younger kids again, this past summer. I feel like I'm back in my element. Molly is determined and list driven, like her mother. Teige and Katie are developing a love for learning, which is exactly my goal for them on this level. Jeff and I are enjoying our marriage and still are very much the newly-weds. We have been attending Southside Bible Church. It has been such a blessing to be involve in our married couples Sunday School class. Outside of hands-on life training, I have grown the most under the teaching here. Jeff still runs four times a week and we still enjoy home do-it-yourself projects. As for Stickers...I'm returning to the trade soon...so keep on the look out for the announcement!
I'll see you back here Monday for MQM...