Today is my Katie's fourth birthday. How did we get here? This is our first official photograph together. I always say that Katie is my hug from God. And that is what she truly is. This girl is such a blessing to everyone who crosses her path. She smiles and gives a thumbs up to strangers in the grocery store. She tells those who visit our home, "I love you!" and means it. At such a young age, I can see God using her to love on others and encourage them!

This is the most memorable snap I took of her in the hospital. At one day old she was already engaging with those around her.

First bath...She knows what she likes...and what she DOESN'T like! She still makes this exact face!

This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Katie. It shows her independence and spunk!

Our most recent photo together. Just an hour after giving birth to Henry. She wasn't too sure of the situation. Mostly, she wanted to make sure that she and I were okay...We are okay!

Katie represents to me a time that was filled with God's love and miracles in my life. Just thinking about this today, made me realize that God has moved in defining ways in each arrival of all of my children. To me it seems as though the people around me took the time to get it together before having kids. God used my kids to force me to get it together and marked each "space" in my time with His grace. With Calla's arrival I was eventually marked Maturity and Responsibility (or at least the beginnings of the process). With Molly-Contentment. With Teige-Brokenness, then Boldness. Katie-Joy and Faith. Henry-Peace, Love, and Obedience.
About a month ago, Molly and I were reading through the book of Joshua. Each time I read it I am particularly draw to the passage in chapters 3 and 4 about how the Children of Israel placed markers in the Jordan as a testimony to what the Lord their God had done for them. So, that the generations that would come after them would not forget. Whenever I read this I think, "It would be neat if I could have some sort of monument to the Lord that would testify what He has done in my life." This morning when I was thinking about Katie's birth and the circumstances surrounding her arrival, it dawned on me the sovereignty of the Lord with each child's appearance in my life. Praise God! He is Good! When I look at them I know I will never forget what He has done for me. What He has brought me out of and through. Where He has placed my feet now.
I love you, my children. Happy Birthday, Katie...my hug from God.
I love the pic of you and Katie right after giving birth to Henry...speaks volumes!
Happy Birthday, Katie...you are such a bright, animated, adorable little character!
You make me cry.
A happy, emotional, cleansing sort of cry. :)
I love you!
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