January 13, 2010

New Day

Good morning. I have exactly 11 minutes until the kids and I need to be in the van driving Molly to school. The car is warming up, the kids are getting on their coats. Teige just say, "Yay, you are my best friend." to Molly and is now talking about how he wants to eat the snowman that Jeff built in our front yard, yesterday. There is a sink full of dishes and a pile of laundry awaits my return. 3 minutes until I need to be in the van driving Molly to school. "CalTeiMolly, could you zip your sister's coat?" Now Molly and Teige are arguing about what the snowman's name is. Teige says it's Frosty. Molly says it's Bob. Katie's singing "Bob the snowman had a shiny carrot nose."...

1 comment:

Jodi said...

These are the kinds of blog posts I adore!
Love you,