June 26, 2012

Before and Afters

So, what do you call 11:26 am?  It's not really morning.  It's not really afternoon.  I'll just say, "Good day to you."  Henry is in his room playing with his cars, being content in his pre-lunch, no-older-siblings-schedule.  I have been straitening the house because I have a couple of projects I'd like to work on this afternoon.  1) I can't "play" in a messy house.  Well, I guess I should say, "my messy house."  I could come to your house and if it were messy, it wouldn't bother me at all.  2) I feel guilty playing when there's work to be done.  It's a happy balance:  work in the morning =  play in the afternoon.  And sometimes work turns into play.  I love a good project.  Here are some before and after shots of our living space desk/library area and our master bedroom closet.  Keep in mind the before shots are taken with the before camera and the after shots are taken with the after camera.

Desk Library Area.  3 Bookshelves in a L-shaped pattern.  Before yellow wall color, too.  Crowded and dark.

Here is our messy closet "before".  We kept waiting for the money to do a "real" closet renovation, but the money never came and we got tired of looking at this mess and decided it was time to design on a dime.

I, first, have to share with you the inspiration for my living room design.  It's still a work in progress, but I have read/heard that you are so suppose to start with one focus piece you love and build on it.  I love this afghan from Pier One Imports.  However, it sheds and snags, so I have to keep it in a protected area on the back of the loveseat.  My opinion is that you shouldn't skimp on your "focus" piece, but it could be something as simple as borrowing a book you love from a friend and keeping it in the room you're designing until the process is done.  I blew my clothing budget for 1 &1/2 months on this but it really brought me into "focus" on the decorating direction I wanted to go.  My true inspiration for the area came from two other object that aren't present in the room right now:  1) The paper chain that hangs on our Christmas tree and a book about Chilhuly's works that isn't in the book budget right now. 


New paint color on walls:  Wool Skein and Perfect Khaki

We love the craftsmen built-in look but can't afford the craftsmen built-in price.  I found these bookcases at IKEA.  The price for the three of them was what I paid for one of the old bookcases just 5 years prior.  I was able to re-purpose two of the tall cases in the boys room for toys and two cases in my closet for added storage.   A little brain power, some fresh paint, and my mad organizing skills and the closet is not my "dream closet" but a lot better without the buyers remorse.  Time for lunch.


Jodi said...

I love how you write! It feels like your talking directly to me. :) Can I come hang out in your closet? It is AMAZING!

Laurie and company said...

I do love your closet. Maybe one of these days, i will bite the proverbial bullet and have you come look at my complete lack of disorganization and tell me what you think would work best, here there and everywhere.

Hope you guys are all doing well....
Love ya,