I was able to spend the latter part of the afternoon having coffee with my artistic friend, April. April's home is beautiful. Every time I enter it, the artist hiding inside me screams to come out. I don't have the time to be artistic, as of late, but I appreciate the environment April has created for herself and her family. She has this little espresso maker and always has fresh cream on hand. We sit and sip and never run out of items on the list to talk about.
This evening, I headed over to Em's for one of her favorite recipes, Cincinnati Chili. Although, I have never eaten chili in Cincinnati before, Em's chili made me want to get in the car and take a road trip tomorrow. Ian Scott "Shmee" has won such a special spot in my heart. He calls me "Nicney". It's hard for me to remember Teige being so small. I love baby boys!
Well, I'm heading for a bubble bath, maybe a call with a boy, and then to bed. I have another whirlwind of a weekend planned. I feel like I just recovered from the last one...
Sounds like a very, very relaxing weekend!
I just crack up when I hear your similes or are they metaphors? Whatever they are, the are so funny! Thanks for letting us intrude into your quiet time. It makes me feel like a virtual peeping time. Hope it was truly refreshing.
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