Saturday, found me busy with laundry and struggling to yield any productive action out of my children in the morning. Afternoon, found Jeff on the roof cleaning out the gutters and on the ground blowing my leaves into a monster pile, while I grocery shopped and prepared my ultra-fattening, chicken pot-pie. Jeff and the kids need to be fattened up a bit...me? not so much, but I thought skinny thoughts as I inhaled it! The evening found me sitting next to Jeff at Horizon. Pastor Jason had prepared an A.C.T.S night of worship and prayer and we had a enjoyable time of fellowship afterwards.
Sunday we just hung out. I had dinner with Jeff and his dad. Later we picked out Katie's birthday present and some blinds for Jeff's guest room. The kids and I went over to his house to watch the Santa Clause. Then it was home to get ready for the week.
I have to say I wasn't prepared for the enormous to-do-list that awaited me this morning. I placed my childcare ads, finally, after several days of my Internet acting up. I already have a few bites on it. Encouraging!!! Did I mention I have a two-year-old, today. In a minute, I'll post some pictures of Katie's "birth" and then I'll blog about the party at my mom's later. Hope your week is off to a good start.
Here is my preschool/childcare website: The Place to Be
1 comment:
Very busy, you stay! My, I don't know how you do it. But, it was an interesting read, and your website is very clever. Hope you are successful.
wv: diest (uugghhh!!!!)
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