I just recently read on several blogs that some have been appalled by "in-your-face" political view points. Some have been astounded at how anyone would boldly stand for what they believe. I think they are repulsed by the modern day soapbox renegade. Some say we should all quietly and gently go on about our business and our political views should be rationally and politely discussed.
If your political view point isn't one worth fighting about, then It's probably not much of a view point, at all, or you're just arrogantly sitting back because the numbers are stacked in your favor, so why fight? I have been criticized for delivering strong opinions on this blog, by people who were very near to my heart. I believe what I believe because it is ingrained in my heart and I live that out in my words and actions. If I offend, I offend, for I, too, have been offended and am still standing.
I believe that your political and religious view points, if you have them, are at the core of who you are and you should fight for them when they are attacked. To put it into prospective...what if your husband or wife where being seduced away by another. Are you gonna be rational and polite? Or are you gonna fight for your marriage with every breathe you can until it's back on track or irreparably broken? Are you gonna say, "Oh well, we have free will. Whatever happens. happens. We can only pray for the best." Or are ya gonna get some "strategery" going and go after what you believe is an honorable cause at all costs. If you value the sanctity of marriage, you aren't gonna sit there timid and refrained and let that other person come right on in and sweep them away... So, the heck, what, if the adulterer is offended. Perhaps you might persuade them to come around to your way of thinking, Most likely you won't. But only a fool sits idle and lets their nation slip in a direction contrary to what is in their heart. On the day that happens folk, patriotism will breath it's last breathe.
I encourage you not to give up your voice because some may say it's offensive. If you don't have a voice, I encourage to find it. Know what it is you believe in and why. Measure it against God's word and be prepared to speak intelligently and passionately about it!
Well, it's time to put the soapbox away and find the soap...The girls are coming over tonight for crescents and m&m's! We are all, quiet frankly, burnt to the crisp on political matters and shall speak of the other loves of our souls, such as home school curriculum and hair color and boys. Have a great weekend. See you back here for Movie Quote Monday.
This is wonderful!
Excellent post, Nicky. I'm right there with ya, sister!
I forgot to tell you that I love the picture of Michelle and spouse on the sidebar. Too funny! Where did you find that?
I made up the thing about the Obamas on the sidebar. I thought the dress was ugly...Is America heading for a fashion dive??? I wish I could draw cartoons, but I all I can manage are stick figures.
I like your style, Nicky.
Some have called me "ranty". I enjoy ranting...it's my blog and I can say whatever I want. But...sometimes I have offended but not intentionally...
Religion and politics are never on my agenda as I like keeping my blog lighthearted. But recently I did give my political viewpoint, mistrusting all parties and politicians, and I'm afraid I offended.
For those who disrespect my opinion, so be it. I might have lost readers with one click to publish.
But, that's OK. Everyone has a voice.
You go!
This reminds me of Proverbs 31:8-9: “Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Speaking your mind in defense of others is essential to the Christian walk. (I personally believe this also means speaking in defense of the constitutional rights that protect them.) Good for you!
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