Thursday, I had a visit with my hair artist, Stephanie. When we do this hair cut she razors the ends and then blows it out. She usually says, "Close your eyes." She didn't, so I didn't. I ended up with tons of teeny tiny hairs in my eyeballs which has resulted in major irritation and a mild infection. Let's see, Friday, the kids and I hung out. Jeff and I watched Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightly version, not the Collin Firth one, which I'm told is also good.)
My kiddos spent the rest of the weekend with the exes. Saturday morning I was up bright and early to watch Jeff run in a 15K. I forgot the camera. Lost some brownie points there. Hmmm. I stole a picture of him running a different race off of Laurie's blog. You'll have to picture him like this, but covered in blood and mud, because it was a trail race. It rained pretty much all of Friday here in Indy, so Saturday morning found the trails a slippery pudding-like mess.

Here's a more recent photo of Jeff during his trip to Oregon, this past summer

Saturday night, I went to Patria and then watched The Village with friends. Tonight the kids are home safe and snug, where they belong. I miss them when they are gone and am always relieved when they are within these four walls again. (Well there's like 40 walls within our home, but you get the picture).
Anyway, great weekend for all here. Hope you enjoyed yours as well.
Good to see you back and in rare form! Sorry about the eye splinters...I know from personal experience that hair can be more deadly than glass. Anyway, I hope you get a chance to get more pix of J-man...will be praying for you.
wv: pfiav (whatever! and, I don't even have the energy to try to get a new one. go figure.)
You have such gorgeous hair!
Carrie was just saying that she wished she had dark hair so that she could put those pretty reddish hilights in it. I have a feeling she may try to change her hair color one day. I think that's what she was thinking when she asked me if I had read this post of yours!
Your comment on my blog yesterday made me cry. It was so sweet. I do miss me with a coffee date time.
Your house or mine?
Either is fine!
Ha! I rhymed.
O.K. I'm jumping on board...
wv: keecsc
I have nothing.
i was leaving a comment on Hannah Indiana's blog and the word verefication looked like "kissy box!" it was really ksybox.
wv: uooeakn
i got nothin' either, mom. lol
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