Today, I packed the kids in the car and headed up to Fry Road's Northwest Park, which boasts a rough and rumble type of playground, hiking trails, and picnic shelter with ample seating for all your skeletons in the closet. This is My Mama (with my cheesy father and nephew Josiah). She just turned 54 on Wednesday. She was 20 when she gave birth to me. You do the math. Can we count that as a school day?

Annie is so good at coupons. Yesterday she bought $197 worth of groceries for $7. Joni and I tried to listen up close like and glean from her knowledge. I'm learning. I think it looks fun, but time consuming. I'll keep you posted on my new hobby and we'll see if I can be as cool as her.

"Are you really taking another picture of me, Mom?" Isn't she pretty? Hopefully this will make up for the "
Dr. Calla" picture.

This is Joni's oldest son, my nephew, Sammy. He had just bit his tongue and was speechless. Looks like an up and coming GAP model if you ask me.

"Hi there, tomatoes. My name's Katie. Whadda ya say we get to know each other a little better over a ranch cocktail?"

"I prefer to do everything backwards." Teige loves climbing up the slide this way. It's much more rewarding that using the ladder and less scary.
No pics Molly, Becky, and Abbie. The find one another and it's a hidden gigglefest. You can hear them, but you can't see them.
Below is a video of my brother-in-law, Brian, telling Katie a story about a cracker and it was really cute. So, I decided to film it and he started getting more "hammy". Try not to get distracted by my laughing or my Dad's chitter chatter in the background. Press pause on the playlist at the bottom of the page and join my followers list on the sidebar =>, if you haven't already done so, before watching.
Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you.
Great pictures! I really like the updated one of the three of you together. In that picture, I don't see much resemblance to each other; but, then againg, who am I to make that judgment when I have never seen ya'll in person. Looks like you had fun, and your humor always gives me quite the chuckle if not the ROFL!
wv: qqfosl (fossil)
This was a fun post!
I always wanted a sister or two. I even remember asking for one when I was a little girl. The answer was always "No."
Maybe you can pass on what you learn about coupons to me. I am really bad about saving money at the grocery store. Paul would be forever grateful if I could learn anything at all about saving money at the grocery store!
I can't believe how big Katie is! I can't wait to see her and the others--and you!!
Love you!
wv: ofucvuis...Carrie walked up and said, "Octavius"--Name that movie! :)
Answer to my blog movie quote..."Night at the Museum." That movie has all my favorite quotes. Hint...hint...
Carrie said, "Well, it has all the quotes you know."
wv: fhuckvpp
I don't like that one.
You missed Isaac and Abel. Poor guys, left out in the cold :P Good job. And hey---can't hear the story cause I can't figure out how to turn your musico offo.
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