Did I ever mention that I love movie lines? I'm sure if you know me at all, you have experienced a time when I have interjected a random line into a conversation. You're looking at me like, "I don't get it." I'm looking at you like, "Why are looking at me like that. That was completely pertinent." Note to you: Just smile and ask, "What movie was that from?"
Here are some more lines from this particular movie:
"I don't think that means what you think it means."
"...and I mean it, anybody have peanut?"
"As you wish."

A waiting to exhale kind of moment, huh?
Okay, for the weekend updates. Friday evening, the kids and I went to a pitch-in, get-to-know-you sort of thing with our new homeschool group. It was quite uneventful (snicker). Then I headed down to D & L's house to watch Signs. I can't say I retained any quotes from that movie. Which is sad because Mel Gibson has some really good dry humor. I may have been tired or distracted or both.
Then Saturday, I spent most of the day on the phone. I colored my hair. Some would say it's too dark. I tried to take a pic of it. I hate pictures of myself. Anyhoo (not a spell check recognizable word)...Sunday I visited Horizon and then had "date" time with Molly and Calla. After we got the babies down, we watched The Princess Bride and then I spent the rest of the evening talking on the phone.
There you go. Have a blessed week.
Laurie, maybe you can leave a comment as annonymous
I will try this!
Hey, my favorite line from Signs is when Bo came to her dad's bed and said, very fast-like, "There's a monster outside my window, can I have a glass of water?"
"What'd you doooo?"
ok, have a fun Monday and thanks for the earache pointer...I did it.
um, yeah, remember when Mel and Joaquin were running around the house to scare "whoever"? That was a classic...but how do you post those lines/scene in general? Remind me to give you your movie back...I think I may need to watch it again. yikes.
I like to save the rare times I watch "scary" movies for movies I haven't seen. I would be up to seeing "The Village" if DY want to watch that soon. I haven't seen it.
word verification:
So WHAT MOVIE are the quotes from???
The Princess Bride
You would like it, C.
word verification: qthgcue
yea for the princess bride! it's a classic :)
do you own the village or do I need to get it from BB online? it's a good'n.
I love that my Velvet has found you...you two would have fun together!
Princess Bride doth rock! I need to get it on DVD
I don't have The Village. Order it. Maybe we can commune and watch it this weekend.
I have the Princess Bride whenever you want to borrow it.
I could see a movie 10 times and still not remember any lines from it.
Carrie started a game a few weeks ago where she would say the line to a movie, and we all had to guess what it was from. We took turns. I had to get online and get my movie quotes.
It's really sad when everyone is quoting movies and you have no idea what they're talking about. That's how it is at my house.
You forgot, "Inconceivable" and "Mawwiage" and "Twue Wuv"...that movie just has so many quotable quotes! I also love
Billy Crystal's lines...And, of course, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!" Oh, I do love that movie, and I love movie quotes. Thanks for the reminder.
WV: gtyty
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