Wouldn't it be nice if your words had sonar attached to them so that you could "feel" what other people felt when they heard them? Wouldn't it be nice if everyone else had this same ability? I'm guessing that wouldn't make a very interesting super hero, though. What are your favorite super heroes?
Mine are:
1) Wolverine
2) Robbin (Never given the credit truly due to him)
3) Batman
4) Elastigirl
5) Magneto (Although, he's a super villain. I keep praying for him to get saved-snicker)
Do you know there are actually quacks out there who DO pray for people on Soap Operas to get saved, get healed, get back together with their spouses, etc...? I saw it on Dr. Phil once, so it must be true.

Okay, I know these are some random thoughts. If you only knew some of the ones that I'm not typing...
I feel your thoughts on this one. Honestly, I think we would do good with those crazy thoughts. That's why I love blogging, it helps me work in both sides of my brain...I just have to be sure to turn the editor on. ;)
I am not really too big on Super Heroes. I watch them, but that's not one thing that I do remember. But, I do like Wolverine (from X-men right?) and Spider-Man. Now, I love Scooby-Doo, but most people would argue that he is not a super-hero. But, I combat that with his powers of smell. HAHAAHAHA!
WV: bsgeuhjn
Hey---you are a dork. But yes, I wish that I had that super power---
To answer your question from my blog-
Almost all of my coupons come from the Sunday Paper. I buy the multiples on Ebay. And I SAVE ALL COUPONS. Cut, sort, save. You never know when Polident might make you a buck.
Simple instructions:
1. Cut all coupons from Indy Star
2. Check Annie's blog on Monday
3. See what coupons you have that match (you should have all of them---since I get mine from Indy star too)
4. Order any coupons that you feel you need extra of, off Ebay.
5. Go Shop.
Dear Little Sister,
Oh my, your mother did not raise you to go around calling people such names. But I forgive you on account that I know your animosity towards me is a result of your jeolousy.
Thanks for the coupon tips. Okay, so save everything. That will be very hard for me to do being the minimalist that I am. I hope to learn this stuff. You do such a good job with it.
I have the utmost respect for Elastigirl. She is sooooooo cool and cute too, with crazy insecurities. I am also a Rogue girl...Wolverine is fine. Always a sucker for Christopher Reeve as Superman...Christian Bale's Dark Knight is pretty spectacular as well! I have a lot of respect of super heroes. :) they make the world a better place. And my all time fave is Super Dude...my boys created him together.
ok, so glad blogger finally let me comment on your bloggy.
hope you are having a nice evening. get to bed.
Okay, I have two things to say...1) you haven't started Christmas music yet, and 2) I came to read your blog and got the big goose egg. (Not, that I can blame you...you're a very busy lady, but I thought that I'd let you know that I noticed...)
yirap (why rap? cause, ummm, this white girl can't dance or rhyme?!)
on your sidebar, where you have all of your friends blogs posted, it is titled I'm stocking you. Should that be stalking, like Fatal attraction stalking, I'm peering in your windows stalking or did you mean to put stocking, like at the grocery store stocking or wintery stocking cap? just curious.
stalk: to pursue stealthily
stock: a supply of goods on hand in a store
(source: Webster's New World Dictionary)
iulfkeu...ooo this is a weird one
Oh, that's funny. I was kind of tired when I did that.
Oh, man...I thought she was being punny! it could be considered that a list of blogs is stock on hand. ;)
jcvzfy...just cause fyi?
while were at it, let's shoot for 10 comments on Nicky's blog.
apparently, someone has too much time on their hands. (me)
what's up today? anyone there?
yssayy....y say yy? that is a tribute to youngs everywhere
yet another sign.
wv: zfwbjx...it's in there. look closely
I am here...but, probably too late. The blogger comment option hasn't been working too well. Anyway, it's fun to know that I have friends...even if they are online. Here's to friends and comments in the double digits!
umcfnuwb (u might c fun web)
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