November 24, 2008

Movie Quote Monday

So, if I were stuck on a desert island [or a dessert island for that matter] and could only ever watch one movie for the rest of my entire life, it would be this one. I know I pretty much quoted the entire movie, except for one favorite quote...Guess what it is and win a prize. If you haven't seen this movie yet or you didn't like it, you're a COTTONHEADEDNINNYMUGGINS. Which, by the way, I discovered that I can not say 5 times really fast.

"Congratulations! You did it! World's best cup of coffee! Great job, everybody! It's great to be here."

"First we'll make snow angels for two hours, then we'll go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookie-dough as fast as we can, and then we'll snuggle."

"I'm sorry I ruined your lives, and crammed eleven cookies into the VCR."

"My finger has a heartbeat."

"Francisco! That's fun to say!"

"I feel really warm when I'm around you and my tongue swells up."

"Don't tell him what you want, he's a liar. ... You disgust me! How can you live with yourself? ...You sit on a throne of lies. ...You stink. You smell like beef and cheese! You don't smell like Santa"

"Have you seen these toilets? They're GINORMOUS"

"The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear."

"It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms... and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me..."

"It's a crappy cup of coffee...No, it's the world's BEST cup of coffee."

"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup."

"I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite"

"SON of a NUTcracker! "

"Does somebody need a hug?"
"Buddy, the elf, what's your favor color?"

November 22, 2008

Americans Need Only To Look Pretty

This morning I was doing my bible study and note taking on one of my other blogs: Go For A Walk. I have been studying verses on hell. While looking for visuals on the subject I came by this t-shirt. Did you laugh? I hope so.

I entered the addictive world of Facebook last Sunday. Come find me there... I welcome new friends.

Today we're just getting caught up on the housework and grocery shopping. Tonight Jeff is coming over, we may get to Patria if he gets back from Danville, Illinois at a pertinent time.


November 20, 2008

To Do Lists

If you do something extra that's not on your to do list and it wasn't there to cross off, did you really do it? I love do to lists. I'm currently dictating a list for the day to my secretary. What am I going to do if she goes to public school? I have a bad habit of getting sidetracked in everything ~ driving, talking, working, reading...etc. I wonder if it has anything to do with my caffeine addiction. You know yesterday at SB Jeff bought me a grande cdl and before I left I had to get another cup of what we refer to as "dirt". I haven't had a cup of coffee yet this morning. I need to do that right now... See what I mean? I depend on my list to keep me steered in the right direction. What I want you to tell me is do you think it's weird that if I do something that's not on the list and go back to the list, add the item, only to cross it off? It's like patting myself on the back. Is that so wrong?

Calla needs a ride to Kaleo and I need to know what time we are suppose to be at Mom's on Thanksgiving. Those are on the list today. Can you help me out?


November 19, 2008

We Did It!

I'd like to give a humble thanks to all my friends, family, and those who don't know me at all, but enjoy stalking me! Together we've just achieved 10,000 hits on this blog. If you were here with me we could throw confetti. Hmmm. Wish you were here with me... I like confetti!

November 18, 2008

Miscellaneous Molly

This morning dragged me out bed by the scruff of my neck and said, "Stop talking on the phone until 1:00 am." I am battling, once again, with my arch nemesis... you guessed it ... the laundry. It has been especially challenging over the past few weeks, because my dryer door "fell off". Things just magically break themselves around here... Do you have a magical house? If you have kids, you probably don't have time to answer that question, because some little person is currently using your dryer door as a swing...weeeeeee!
Of recent days, Molly says to me, "Mama, why don't you post more pictures of me on your blog?" Calla, on the other hand, says, "Could you please not put anymore pictures of me on your blog, facebook, or anywhere else on the internet?" The contrast between the two is sharp, with no gray middle ground on most issues, yet they want to share a room. - Puzzling. At any rate, per request of both of my beautiful daughters, more pictures of Molly...No pictures of Calla.

Looking like she's just been tickled, this smile really makes my day!

I love my kids most in pajamas. Molly was about the age Katie is now in this picture.
Uh, Why can't I wear this to church on Sunday?

Whenever Molly would have to stand in the corner, Diego would stand with her. Such a sympathetic cat!

Here's hoping you have a not too magical day in your little space of the world.


November 17, 2008

Movie Quote Monday

It must first be said, on this bitter cold morning in November, that "I believe in Santa Clause." I absolutely do . AND I boldly say "Merry Christmas." I tell you this not to stir up controversy, but to warn you that you that there will most assuredly be pro-Santa/pro-"CHRIST"mas propaganda when you visit with me, here, over the next few months. I will keep the Christmas music to a minimal until the day after Thanksgiving, per instructions from Calla. And now for the quotes from one of my most cherished Christmas flicks

"Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see."

"The thing about trains... it doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on."

"I'm looking for a girl." ..."Well aren't we all?"
"There's no greater gift than friendship."
Several years ago, when the film first arrived on the big screen,
we thought Billy looked like our friend William.
"What exactly is your persuasion on the Big Man, since you brought him up?"..."I want to believe, but..."..."But you don't want to be bamboozled. You don't want to be led down the primrose path. You don't want to be conned or duped. Hoodwinked. You don't want the wool pulled over you eyes. Railroaded. Seeing is believing. Am I right?"

"What in the name of Mike?" [That's my favorite quote]
At one time most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.
Merry Christmas and smooch

November 14, 2008

Cincinnati Chili and Espresso

The kids are off to there father's house for the first time in six weeks and I am enjoying a quiet break this evening. It's so peaceful that I can feel my hair growing back! There is a chirping of a battery needing to be replaced in a fire alarm somewhere. It's making the sound your sneakers did on the gymnasium floor. I can actually hear the low hum of my computer. I love this. Mmmmm.

I was able to spend the latter part of the afternoon having coffee with my artistic friend, April. April's home is beautiful. Every time I enter it, the artist hiding inside me screams to come out. I don't have the time to be artistic, as of late, but I appreciate the environment April has created for herself and her family. She has this little espresso maker and always has fresh cream on hand. We sit and sip and never run out of items on the list to talk about.
This evening, I headed over to Em's for one of her favorite recipes, Cincinnati Chili. Although, I have never eaten chili in Cincinnati before, Em's chili made me want to get in the car and take a road trip tomorrow. Ian Scott "Shmee" has won such a special spot in my heart. He calls me "Nicney". It's hard for me to remember Teige being so small. I love baby boys!

Well, I'm heading for a bubble bath, maybe a call with a boy, and then to bed. I have another whirlwind of a weekend planned. I feel like I just recovered from the last one...

November 11, 2008

Katie's #2 Party

Here is my little winter birthday princess.
"Happy Birthday To You"
Um, You missed one, KJ
Mom and Daddy with his new
dapper cap and suspenders

Movie Quote Monday ~ Just a Little Bit Late

This one has too many really good ones to put all of them on here, but here are a few. This one is in my top 10 ~ Yeah, I know there are like 30 in my top ten!

"I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home... only to no home I'd ever known... I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like... magic."
"Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental."
"Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning... breath in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breath in and out... and, then after a while, I won't have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while."

"Now that was when people KNEW how to be in love. They knew it! Time, distance... nothing could separate them because they knew. It was right. It was real. It was... "
"A movie! That's your problem! You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie."
"Well, this is fate! She's divorced, we don't want to redo the cabinets, and you need a wife. What do they call it when everything intersects?"...
"The Bermuda Triangle."
"When a man is a widower why do we say he was widowed? Why don't we say he was widowered?"
"It's easier to be killed by a terrorist than it is to find a husband over the age of 40!"
"That statistic is not true!"
"That's right it's not true, but it feels true."

November 10, 2008

Katie is a Hug from God

Happy Birthday, Katie Johanna Conlin. Two years ago, today you were sent to all of us as a hug from God. Mommy sitting here kind of relaxed and waiting for you to arrive. If you they had waited another 45 seconds to shoot the picture, I may not of looked so relaxed.

Here you are all fresh. I love fresh baby, except for all the cottage cheesy looking stuff. That's just gross, but you were the most beautiful, hopeful, little thing I had ever laid my eyes on. So precious.

And here you are already posing for the camera. "Hi. Mom."

I was thinking about how wonderfully peaceful it was to look into your innocent face. What were you thinking? Did you notice that I was wearing earrings? How many women wear earrings and makeup through their deliveries?

Look at you. You were the perfect combination of your big sis, Molly and a Cabbage Patch Kid. I think you liked me.

Oh wait, hold that thought. I guess its time to figure out this baby thing again. How do I get it to be quiet???

Here are Grandma and Barb Merritt, who were by my side through the entire delivery. They were almost as happy to see you as I was.

Here are Grandpa and your big sisters.

Sleep well my baby, for two years from now you will be on your way to discovering the solution for world peace!


Whirlwind Weekend

As always, I'm left breathless from my weekend. Friday evening I invited my girlfriends over for a reprise of The Chocolate Guild (our old book club, in which we never read any books). As the gab was winding down, my boyfriend, Jeff made a guest appearance and then stayed to help me put the lights on my tree. Well, I strategically placed the lights on the tree, and he watched. Which was all a loss, since Katie tried to climb it this morning and now I must go back and do it all again.

Saturday, found me busy with laundry and struggling to yield any productive action out of my children in the morning. Afternoon, found Jeff on the roof cleaning out the gutters and on the ground blowing my leaves into a monster pile, while I grocery shopped and prepared my ultra-fattening, chicken pot-pie. Jeff and the kids need to be fattened up a not so much, but I thought skinny thoughts as I inhaled it! The evening found me sitting next to Jeff at Horizon. Pastor Jason had prepared an A.C.T.S night of worship and prayer and we had a enjoyable time of fellowship afterwards.

Sunday we just hung out. I had dinner with Jeff and his dad. Later we picked out Katie's birthday present and some blinds for Jeff's guest room. The kids and I went over to his house to watch the Santa Clause. Then it was home to get ready for the week.

I have to say I wasn't prepared for the enormous to-do-list that awaited me this morning. I placed my childcare ads, finally, after several days of my Internet acting up. I already have a few bites on it. Encouraging!!! Did I mention I have a two-year-old, today. In a minute, I'll post some pictures of Katie's "birth" and then I'll blog about the party at my mom's later. Hope your week is off to a good start.
Here is my preschool/childcare website: The Place to Be

November 7, 2008

On Finding and Using Your Voice:

But's not over.

I just recently read on several blogs that some have been appalled by "in-your-face" political view points. Some have been astounded at how anyone would boldly stand for what they believe. I think they are repulsed by the modern day soapbox renegade. Some say we should all quietly and gently go on about our business and our political views should be rationally and politely discussed.

If your political view point isn't one worth fighting about, then It's probably not much of a view point, at all, or you're just arrogantly sitting back because the numbers are stacked in your favor, so why fight? I have been criticized for delivering strong opinions on this blog, by people who were very near to my heart. I believe what I believe because it is ingrained in my heart and I live that out in my words and actions. If I offend, I offend, for I, too, have been offended and am still standing.
I believe that your political and religious view points, if you have them, are at the core of who you are and you should fight for them when they are attacked. To put it into prospective...what if your husband or wife where being seduced away by another. Are you gonna be rational and polite? Or are you gonna fight for your marriage with every breathe you can until it's back on track or irreparably broken? Are you gonna say, "Oh well, we have free will. Whatever happens. happens. We can only pray for the best." Or are ya gonna get some "strategery" going and go after what you believe is an honorable cause at all costs. If you value the sanctity of marriage, you aren't gonna sit there timid and refrained and let that other person come right on in and sweep them away... So, the heck, what, if the adulterer is offended. Perhaps you might persuade them to come around to your way of thinking, Most likely you won't. But only a fool sits idle and lets their nation slip in a direction contrary to what is in their heart. On the day that happens folk, patriotism will breath it's last breathe.

I encourage you not to give up your voice because some may say it's offensive. If you don't have a voice, I encourage to find it. Know what it is you believe in and why. Measure it against God's word and be prepared to speak intelligently and passionately about it!

Well, it's time to put the soapbox away and find the soap...The girls are coming over tonight for crescents and m&m's! We are all, quiet frankly, burnt to the crisp on political matters and shall speak of the other loves of our souls, such as home school curriculum and hair color and boys. Have a great weekend. See you back here for Movie Quote Monday.


Surprise Lilies

Calla and Molly, age 7 and 3 respectively. At our cottage of days gone by in Rocklane. Every July we had these "surprise" lilies come up along the edge of our property line. One neighbor called them surprise lilies. One called them June lilies. Um, hello, its July...?? I called them country elegance. I look forward to having a patch of them at this house, too, someday. A border of hydrangeas to replace the little pebble garden around the screened in porch and a line of lilac bushes with an arbor and I could almost feel like I was there.
There is so much country girl in me. I feel her emerging every time I sit in the neatly groomed rows of my favorite lavender farm in Mooresville. It has always been my longingest dream to own my own lavender farm and high tea house. For years now, I've pictured a tiny Italian villa home sitting on about 20 acres with a small vineyard and an open airy cafe that resembled an over grown tool shed. I would wear white cotton sundresses and go barefoot as I greeted guest and loved them. Simplicity. The Country. Lavender. Tea.
Today I had a hard time loving my kids...Is that wrong to say? Rare is it that people have their dreams come true. Life is not a dream. Life is hard. I pray for days of simplicity...not that I wouldn't have to work hard through them...just days in which siblings loved each other...where we aren't caught up in the hustle and bustle of the soccer mom go, go, go, where much is accomplished, but appreciated. Days that you know you gave unselfishly to world and it was better for it. Not days where the world sucked it right out of you, put you on a shelf, and said, "I'll come back for you tomorrow." Days where the surprise lilies come out of the ground and bloom it seems all within 72 hours. Days where you rush over to them in your pajamas and bare feet and scoop them up and bury your nose in them. Oh, for the wonderful surprises the air may bring tomorrow morn'

November 4, 2008

This Time...

This morning, I was pondering how this time last year seems as if it were four years ago. Grandpa Reneer had passed away some time in October, I believe. I don't know the exact date, because it was a surreal time. Grandpa had expressed his desire to be cremated and that was that. No jumping on plane and rushing to Florida for a funeral. No corporate mourning, as family, until Thanksgiving. I was worried about my Mom. Early in 2006 we thought she may have some sort of cancer growing in her thyroid. I remember thinking to myself that I was more worried about her grieving for her father than the day she was wheeled into surgery. The Sunday after Grandpa died, she came to my house and sat and knitted. I watched as her expressions were in a continual metamorphosis across her face. (I am like my mother in that manner...we wear our emotions on our sleeve...transparent as a glass of water.) She looked lost...then hardened...then despaired. "Stay hard" I thought. It was easier for me to see her as the tough and capable woman I had seen her be in every trial to date. "Mom's going to be okay. She's going to get through this. Maybe I can cry a little now." I know those where selfish thoughts, but grieving is, at best a very strange thing with no real rationalization. I remember being jealous of Calla and Molly because they had traveled to Florida with Mom early in the year. They had seen him "one more time". I only had stories of his deterioration and prophesies of the end to play in my head. They had mental snap shots.

I looked back on the past ten years and how many times I had thought to myself, "This will be the last time you see him." The clearest in my mind was eight years ago after Annie's wedding. We had all gone to an all you can eat buffet. I was a handful of weeks pregnant with Molly and puking every hour on the hour. (I remember we had vegetable lasagna from GFC for lunch as Annie prepared herself at my house - a fact I would have probably discarded if it hadn't haunted me relentlessly for the next ten hours. ) I remember looking at Grandpa from across the table trying to memorize him. I remember hugging him in the parking lot of the restaurant and making myself endure the Old Spice through the "morning sickness." I wanted to imprint him, thinking to myself "This time..." I cried all the way home. Brian convinced himself that it was just hormones and asked me if I wanted Steak n' Shake, because there was something about their french fries that calmed my stomach. I starred out the window and said, "un uh". I missed Grandpa already. How many times did I do that little ceremony in my head? Last year, none of those ceremonies mattered to me. This was real. He was gone. No more Old Spice hugs.

Calla and Grandpa Reneer
I miss you Grandpa.