October 15, 2008

If Only I Knew The Way To Go

Reason, rhyming, seeking, not finding
Sitting, waiting, with a heart of minding
Going this way and taking that turn
If only I knew the way to go

Immobile, unmoving, timid, it's binding
The puddle surrounding is ever reminding
Stepping backwards? Your approval to earn
If only I knew the way to go

Waiting and waiting, again with the waiting
Impatient, enduring, turned apathy sedating
Once more forward with more than concern
If only I knew the way to go

Up in the air with significant debating
Your opinion, the only sound and just rating
Unless you take my hand, it's hard to discern
If only you'd tell me the way to go

~ndc 10/08


Jodi said...

Wow, Nicky. This really makes my Mitch song seem so cheesy.

Really, Nicky. This is good.

Love you.

Sherry at the Zoo said...

Wow! Did you write this yourself? This IS good! Can you get this published?

Nicky said...

Thanks, guys. I would really like to write children's books. It's the publishing and illustrating that I would have problems with.
