October 27, 2008

Movie Quote Monday

"She certainly has a mind of her own...Yeah, I hate that in a woman."

"You're on your own, Sir. This can only end in tears."
"They've eloped! Isn't it romantic? It's a perfect ending... No, it's a perfect beginning."
"Dimitri, do you really think I'm royalty?... Then stop bossing me around."

"Well I don't know, I mean it's kinda hard to imagine yourself as a duchess when you're sleeping on a cold, hard floor...but sure, yeah, I guess every lonely girl would hope she's a princess. ... And somewhere one little girl is."Anastasia is a favorite at our house. It's one of those films I have memorized. You should be so lucky as to have to sit throw a viewing we me singing and acting it all out! Romance, action, horror, humor, and history all wrapped into one beautifully illustrated animation. A must see



Tory said...

Another one that I haven't seen. It looks good though. Of course, your blog really makes me want to see it...but, the $4+ dollars that it takes to rent is not often an option. I haven't paid for a movie rental in forever because I have gotten a lot of free coupons, but everybody is tightening up and cutting out the free coupons.

Hope you had a good day, T

Nicky said...

Tory ~ I know what you mean about the free coupons. Remember when rentals were only $1.49. It's cheaper for us to see a movie at the 50cent movie place before it goes to video, than it is for us to rent sometimes.

wv: drucn (Laurie~It would appear that the wv people can't spell as well as Melanie.)

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